If you must store these artifacts online, use a password manager like 1password. Written on a physical paper and kept offline.

By the same token, you'll find that most of your users have almost no understanding of how email.

However, I'm continually amazed that even most high school and college age students have no clue how a computer actually functions - meaning, what's inside and what each part does.

Users Aren't the Enemy - They're Your First Line of Defense Fast forward to the present and anyone who's worked in a business environment knows at least the basics of how to operate a computer.There is plenty of videos on the subject on Youtube about it, 10 min watch and you gucci. Durham College I would highly suggest in getting an OFFLINE password manager like KeePassXC so it can store everything for you and when you log onto a webpage, it can automatically be brought up to fill in your username and password for you in any of the major browsers.